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Existing Modeling

The service of constructing an as-built point cloud model using aerial survey technology is a process that involves utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones combined with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) or photogrammetry technology to collect data from physical space and generate a detailed and accurate 3D digital model of the scanned area. The process is as follows:

  1. Data collection: UAVs equipped with LiDAR sensors or cameras capture data from the ground and surrounding objects. This technology enables the collection of high-precision 3D data from various angles and positions.
  2. Data processing: The data collected from UAVs is processed into a series of 3D points, known as a point cloud, using post-processing software. These points represent points on the surface of objects and structures within the scanned area.
  3. 3D model creation: Using the point cloud and 3D modeling software, experts create a digital 3D model of the scanned area. This model includes details of terrain, architecture, structures, and other elements present in the physical space.
  4. Quality check and editing: The 3D model is checked and edited to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data. Prominent points, unwanted objects, or errors in the data can be removed or corrected.
  5. Application and analysis: The 3D model is used to perform analyses, simulations, and planning in the construction field, including design processes, project management, environmental analysis, and various other applications.

This service provides investors and project managers with a powerful tool to gain a better understanding of the construction environment, make informed decisions, and optimize workflow processes.

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Address: 120 D1 Street, Hiep Phu ward, Thu Duc City - HCM City, Vietnam

Email: v7service@v7engineering.com

Hotline: (+84) 817469769 


V7 Engineering & Technology is a reliable partner for customers in Vietnam and abroad. With a team of experts with over 10 years of experience in the construction industry, we are confident in providing the best services at reasonable costs for our customers

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